Many ask, “Why did Evelyn Dick dump the torso in the Albion woods?”
Look deep into the story of Mrs. Dick and find that one moment which explains it all. For example, the first time police officers visited the mysterious wife of murder victim John Dick. The Torso found near Albion Falls in the 1940s.
Hamilton Police Visit Mrs. Dick
Two uniformed police officers showed up at her parent’s house. It was located at 214 Rosslyn Avenue, Hamilton.
Located in Hamilton’s East End. Among the quaint and historic houses of Hamilton’s newest sought-after neighborhood called Crown Point.
Kindly invited in and sat in the living room. A quick moment before Evelyn Dick walked in.
They sat up, ready to talk. Break the news about her murdered husband. Ask a few prepared questions. And before they spoke word one, Evelyn yelled at them…
“Don’t look at me. I don’t know anything about it!”

The cops pushed her for information. She cut in with a possible explanation.
Evelyn told them two Italian men in nice suits came to the house. They said aggressivly to her, “Where’s your husband?”
Describing them as big and scary. Told the police it must have been the mafia who killed her husband.
This calculated woman planned such a ruse. Killed her husband, cut him up. Burning some parts in the furnace. But the torso was too much.
CLICK TO VIEW JOHN DICK’S TORSO (warning: It’s Graphic)
She had to dump it, but where?
Evelyn must have known some mafia history, of men like Rocco Perri.
Knew that Albion Falls was the remote dumping ground for generations of mobsters in Hamilton.
Why not blame it on such successful murderers?
Too bad Evelyn lacked Rocco’s calm, cool demeanor. She might have gotten away with it.