A small investigation happened at the Merritt House in 2001. The events from this night changed the way I saw ghosts.
Changed the way they answered the question, “Can we investigate the house?”
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The Investigation
Was part of a team. I, as the “writer”, recording the night’s events. Along with an ghost hunter and two psychics.
Michele was the veteran psychic. With years of investigations and readings.
Kate, at the time, was new to hunting. So she looked to Michele for help during a night inside the active Merritt House.

Ghost Reaches Out
What happened that night ensured no other group, or anything ghostly related, would be invited back in. It’s not because we did anything wrong.
And here’s what sets this place apart. It’s what the ghosts did!
This happened the night before we came in. We had no idea until arriving the next night. Being greeted at the door with a frown.
All confused by the anger until being brought into the basement.
I’ll never forget the moment, walking up to the CD Library door.
A small radio was playing 97.7 from the corner. I wasn’t listening until a small pause, then ACDC’s Highway to Hell came on.
Didn’t know what to expect as an employee opened the door.
Inside, the entire CD library was sitting piled and broken on the floor. That was hundreds of CDs missing from their carefully organized shelves.
I’m a Believer Now
That single moment made me a believer. My mind went through all the scenarios. Natural explanations to explain it away. But nothing fit.
A low funded radio station existing in a dying medium. They’d never willfully damage or destroy CDs. Wasting money they didn’t have, and time to reorganize the library. Summed up when the employee said, “We found it this way”.
One reply on “Reason Investigators are not allowed in St. Catharines’ Merritt House”
Hi Daniel
We were on the Dark Trolley Tour this evening, which we thoroughly enjoyed thank you, and I came home afterwards and was looking on the site and found your podcast. Fantastic. I remember this radio station.
I heard those EVPs you played from that 1st episode. That st EVP I thought I heard “Oh Come On” but Wow so interesting. Very Spooky. Looking forward to listening to more. Thank you.