Naval Park – Buffalo, New York, USA
Named for five brothers who lost their lives in the Battle of the Solomon Islands in 1942 when their ship sunk. Overall, the Allies lost about 7,100 men in this campaign before retaking the Islands.
The Destroyer is an excellent example of the largest and most important class of ship used during World War II.
Named after the Sullivan Brothers. Five military brothers who refused to split during the war. They were all killed at the same time during in the same battle. George survived the longest in the waters before drowning.
Due to the boat’s namesakes… many believe George is the resident ghost. Racked with guilt for not being able to save his brothers. Now trapped in the shop which bears their name.
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by Ghost Guide Daniel
The Sullivan is considered the most haunted of the 3 vessels at Buffalo’s Naval Park. Some experiences include the usual …
- Batteries being drained
- Flickering lights
- Strange knocks
- Ghostly sounds and voices
These started in the 1960’s. Right after the Destroyer was decommissioned.

The Mess Hall is a hotspot of activity. Historically used as a makeshift hospital after the Sullivan was sent on a massive rescue mission during WWII. Employees have seen shadows moving around the room. Usually, a quick movement which fades as they turn their heads to look.
Echoing voices and screams. And on a couple occasions, coming around a corner to be greeted with a flash. A distorted face burnt and blackened by fire.
Former Buffalo Naval Park Employee
This included a former tour guide (emphasis on ‘former’). He was walking below deck near the Mess Hall. Movement came around a distant corner. Someone was running down the hallway towards him.

He jumped back before noticing the man didn’t have any limbs. Floating… a disembodied torso, his face burnt and twisted in a scream. Got a few feet in front of the employee before disappearing.
Sullivans Radar Defies Logic
The employees were scrambling one afternoon. The power cut out at Naval Park and they were rushing into the boats and submarine looking for guests, to help lead them out.

One employee in the Sullivan heard noises coming from down the hallway. It was the area with controls and panels for the ship.
Walking down, she saw a glow coming out from one of the rooms. Thinking maybe a guest had a flashlight or glowstick. She called out but nobody answered.
Looking in the room, in the colored glow, she saw no guests. On a radar scanner panel fully functional, lighting up the darkness of the room.
She ran out to report this. Coming back with another employee to find the panel was off and dark like the rest of Naval Park.
Ghost Hunters Caught Them on Film
Jason and Steve, the famous hosts of Ghost Hunters, paid a visit to Naval Park. Excited to go on the most haunted of all the ships… The Sullivan Destroyer. They wouldn’t be disappointed.

Inside the ship, they were looking around one of the rooms. The cameras carefully catching every moment in the darkened and silent ship. The entire team (Hunters & employees) is inside that room.
Jason jumped as a loud crash reverberated down the hall and into the room. Everyone perked up, as the bravest in the group ran towards the source of the noise.
They found a hatch, once open, had slammed itself shut. Jason and Steve did confirm everybody was in the room with them.
Written by Ghost Guide Daniel