This week is all Ghost Story based on Ghost Hunting experiences from an Axe Murder House and Hamilton’s Custom House – –
Kicking off with a Ghost Hunter getting stabbed. Story from the Villisca Axe Murder House in Iowa. Daniel talks a bit about being an investigator. Stemming from his few years in the field and why he got out. Leading into a personal story from his home city’s most haunted building, the original Custom House. A time when the most said statement in Séance history actually worked.
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Ghost Hunting Ghost Stories featuring inside the Custom House’s Attic
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Ghost Story Podcast Synopsis (Ghost Hunting Ghost Stories featuring inside the Custom House’s Attic)
Kicking off with a Ghost Hunter getting stabbed. Don’t worry, it’s for paranormal reasons. The story out of Iowa in the United States. A well known haunt called the Villisca Axe Murder House. A place, where in 1912, a family of 5 and two other children were murdered. The case still unsolved; killer never found. Today a dark tourist attraction bringing in paranormal investigators from all over the world. Including Mr. Laursen, who’d end up getting stabbed. Why this is paranormal.
Daniel takes some time to talk about his experience as an investigator (1999-2004) and why he didn’t like it. How investigating houses led him to a true passion he puts on display for the Ghost Walks ( and this podcast. Include a little lambasting of the original Investigation Ghost TV shows.
All leading up to the final, main story. From inside Hamilton’s most haunted building, The Custom House. The most used paranormal statement in history is something like, “Spirit, if you’re here… prove it”. Usually followed by disappointing silence. Not in the Custom House, and not for two volunteers in the 3rd Floor Attic. Contacting the active spirit of the “caretaker”, they got an answer.

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