Are you living with a ghost? Daniel’s theory that not all ghost stories are scary. A deep dive into how to know your house is haunted. With personal experiences from his own life, and the lives of others who accept their ghosts like members of the family.
But there are dangers! What most might call evil, Daniel calls “restless”. What does this mean, and, what to do.
New episodes every week! See Ghost Guide Daniel
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Show Synopsis (Living with a Ghost)
Are you living with a ghost? Daniel’s theory that not all ghost stories are scary. Yes, this is most likely the energy of a dead person. That their physical body is in a grave somewhere, while they interact with you and your family. Don’t mean you need fear the spirit.
Daniel’s deep dive. How to know your in a haunted house. Talking about a family he helped years ago. They accepted their ghosts as part of the family, however wanted to make sure there’s nothing dangerous.
Noticing when their autistic son started talking to something in his closet. Telling them it was a character named “Prickles”. Then the wife’s wedding ring disappears, showing up in the most obvious and strangest of places.
Plus the ghosts of two Facebook ( fans. Daniel asked why a spirit child named “Chicken” Isabelle. All the ghost-related questions he could have asked, this is what he needs to know. Any the freakiness behind a kind, grandmotherly ghost’s actions.
But there are dangers! What some might call evil. Daniel calls “restless”. Negative emotional energy that can affect the empathetic… without them even knowing it. So, not all haunts are good. Imparting advice on how to handle it.
The Podcast hosted on Anchor – Listen to all Episodes
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