
Insane Asylum Ghosts & History, featuring Hamilton’s Century Manor

This week on the haunted asylum with 2 ghost stories and a dark historic figure – –

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A piece of human history made dark by experiments of the mind.  Whether ignorance, or misguided science, in the end these places were home to much violence.  Ghost stories bred from this brutality, featured in the episode with Trans Allegheny in the US, and a tale from Hamilton’s Century Manor.

Articles United States

Trans Allegheny Asylum | Ghost Stories

Lily is the resident ghost of Trans Allegheny Asylum in Weston, West Virginia. A cute little girl ghost loved by many visitors. It’s why, to this day, they try to talk with her. And if she’s shy, they’ll leave a toy behind.

A cute reason to visit. But being alone in the building with vivid spirits like Lily is one of many reasons to never be a security guard in such a haunted place.

Articles United States

American Horror Story Doctor is Real | Dr. Walter Freeman

A famed American surgeon named Dr. Walter Freeman created a special Lobotomy.  This made him famous, then infamous. They called it the “ice pick lobotomy”. 

This method did not need drilling. Instead entering the skull by use of a long, sharp pick slid through the eye-socket.

Articles United States

Quick History of Trans Allegheny Insane Asylum | Weston, West Virginia

Built between 1858 and 1881 on the “Kirkbride Plan”.  A plan based on modern cures. Kindness and morality. Trans Allegheny was setup to allow tons of sunlight and provide comfort.

Didn’t take long to screw this over.