Canada Podcast

Halloween History Kick-Off & Ghost Tugs Cape

Feature Locations: Custom House (Hamilton, Ontario, Canada) – –

It’s time… Halloween-time!  Kicking off the Halloween season with a special segment.  The roots of Halloween, in ghosts and superstition.  From its Celtic beginnings in Ireland to popular and fun beliefs in the United States of America.

Then, Daniel relives the horror of having his cape tugged during a Custom House Ghost Walk.  Freaking out in-front of a group, and blaming a guest for doing it! 

Canada Podcast

Top 2 Hamilton Haunts and My Origins in Ouija

Main Subject: Hamilton, Ontario, Canada – –

We’ve made it everyone! The Top 2 Most Haunted Locations in the spooky city of Hamilton. Including a rare, active battlefield and the beautiful, haunted structure on at the harbour.

Next, featuring the dreaded divination tool, the Ouija Board. Most avoid it, but not Daniel. He respects the board as a tool. But where does that regard come from? The story of his first time with the board. A strong spirit cutting in. A simple sentence changed his beliefs forever.

Articles Canada Ghosts

Top 10 Haunted Places to Visit in Hamilton

Ghost Guide Daniel – – The city of Hamilton is uniquely haunted.  When looking at recorded history, you’ll wonder… How can it be so haunted with such limited past?

Peel that away and realize there’s a hidden history of loyalist settlements.  Still found in the names of smaller towns making up the city.  And in the lost name of Barton, once a township at the centre of Hamilton.

Canada Podcast

Boy of Hamilton’s Custom House and Amazing Ghost Meter Pro

Main Subject: Custom House & Post Office (Hamilton & Cambridge, Ontario, Canada) – –

A vivid little kid spirit finally gets his due! A segment on the shy spirit of a little boy in the basement of Hamilton’s most haunted building. Original basement stairwell room. Now home to the “shy” little boy.

Then it’s all about a unique and interesting paranormal tool, The Ghost Meter Pro. With a ‘communication mode’, so strange… and so effective!  With a cool happening inside the old Cambridge Post Office. The energy of a disproven ghost strongly floods in to say, “…just because I’m not real, doesn’t mean I can’t exist!” Daniel explains.

Canada Podcast United States

Creepy Visitation & Focused Ghost Hunting with Custom House

Main Subject: Farm House & Custom House (USA & Hamilton, Ontario, Canada) – –

Daniel shares a ghost story from the Internet. A young couple living in the country, getting the strangest visitation. An experience cultivating from night of unease. Changing the beliefs of a once strict skeptic.

Then it’s the subject of Focus. A spiritual segment with practical use. How deep focus can change the way you ghost hunt.  Tips on increasing your concentration.

Canada Podcast

Ghost Cat of the Custom House and Ghosts Terrifying Children

Main Subject: Ghost Cat Custom House (Hamilton, Ontario, Canada) – –

Hamilton’s Custom House is one of the most haunted buildings. It’s easy to talk about the Dark Lady or the Caretaker, but what about the black ghost cat?

Then, kids say the most impressive ghost stories. An experience told to Daniel on a private tour. Reminding him of a personal story from a relative. Someone who’d never lie, talking about the vivid conversations with his (passed) grandmother.

Then the main experience. Visitations showing her uncle is still around.

Canada Podcast

A Ghost Locks me out at Custom House & Last Criminals to Hang in Canada

Main Subject: City of Toronto (Ontario, Canada) – –

A personal story from Hamilton’s very haunted Custom House. Daniel recounts an experience during an active stretch. The angry Dark Lady wanting him out before an event.

And dark history from Toronto. The city where the last two men hanged in the 1960’s! The gruesome end exposed by a prison official.


Strong Women Spirits from Ottawa and Hamilton, Old Haunted Shop

This week features strong women spirits, with 3 ghost stories from Ottawa and Hamilton, including the Dark Lady of the Custom House – –

Available on many major Podcast providers including Spotify and…

Ghost Story Podcast - Ghost Guide Daniel on Apple Podcasts
Ghost Story Podcast - Ghost Guide Daniel on Google Podcasts

Dedicated to the many strong women ghosts in Hamilton (and Ottawa).  Starting with a personal story shared on a Ghost Walk from inside Ottawa’s College of Surgeons.  Then it’s back to Hamilton for some haunted shop talk, and the two most impressive ghosts in the city.


Pets can be Ghosts Too featuring the Black Cat of Custom House

This week on Ghost Pets. Packed with Ghost Stories. And the oldest legend in America is that of a Dog – –

Available on many major Podcast providers including Spotify and…

Ghost Story Podcast - Ghost Guide Daniel on Apple Podcasts
Ghost Story Podcast - Ghost Guide Daniel on Google Podcasts

Open the flood gates!  So many experiences and stories for pets.  This episode is proof, made Daniel a believer.  Amazing personal stories, and the oldest legend in America is about a dog.  Then Daniel tells two stories from his tours at the Custom House, with the Black Cat scaring people for years.


Ghost Hunting Ghost Stories featuring inside the Custom House’s Attic

This week is all Ghost Story based on Ghost Hunting experiences from an Axe Murder House and Hamilton’s Custom House – –

Kicking off with a Ghost Hunter getting stabbed.  Story from the Villisca Axe Murder House in Iowa.  Daniel talks a bit about being an investigator.  Stemming from his few years in the field and why he got out.  Leading into a personal story from his home city’s most haunted building, the original Custom House.  A time when the most said statement in Séance history actually worked.