International Podcast United States

Can Ghosts Make you Sick?

Feature Locations: Fall River, MA, USA & Peover, England, UK- –

HOSTED BY GHOST GUIDE DANIEL – Breaking down a strange idea.  Can Spirits affect the living, and how is it possible?  Featuring the abandoned haunted house idea. 

Along with the Lizzie Borden House and Crown Inn (a haunted pub in England).  Different types of sickness and pain, all blamed on ghosts!

Articles Ghosts United States

Lizzie Borden House | Dark History & Ghost Stories

The infamous Murderess of Fall River, Massachusetts creates dark tourism.  The family home now turned into the Lizzie Borden Bed & Breakfast.  Allowing regular folks, like me, to stay overnight in the house where Lizzie (allegedly) murdered her parents.  Dark history and ghost stories around Abby and Lizzie.

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Murders | Judgement | Ghosts

Podcast United States

Lizzie Borden House in Fall River, Massachusetts

Feature Locations: Fall River (Massachusetts, USA) – –

The infamous Murderess of Fall River, Massachusetts creates haunted dark tourism.  The Borden family home turned into a Bed & Breakfast.  Allowing regular folks, like me, to stay overnight in the house where Lizzie (allegedly) murdered her parents. 

Dark history and ghost stories around Abby and Lizzie.


Haunted Mansions! Would you live in one?

Most recent Strange News Video Segment on Haunted Mansions —

Visiting a Haunted Hotel or Haunted Mansions (B&Bs), is one thing. But would you live there?