Canada Podcast

Return to Merritt & A Tivoli Theatre Talkie

Feature Locations: St. Catharines & Hamilton (Ontario, Canada) – –

Return to the haunted Merritt House in St. Catharines. With Psychic’s Kate and Michele, and myself. Most of the original HH team, back together for a walk-through the old house. Barred from it for over two decades. We were featured on the Soper & Brown Morning Show, before given free time, and recorded time to wander around the house. Daniel shares the highlights.

Then, how a ghost experience inside Hamilton’s Tivoli Theatre is related to general movie history. Bringing to light a significant event which may have started inside the Tivoli, first in all of Canada. Connected to the spirit of a woman desperately trying to talk with a former theatre manager.

Articles Canada Ghosts

Top 10 Haunted Places to Visit in Niagara

Ghost Guide Daniel – – With all the wineries and museums to visit, you may not have time.  However, I wanted to make it easy to visit the most haunted places in the Niagara Falls Region. Cause they don’t get deserved attention! 

From the darker side of known buildings and museums.  To a rare, haunted cemetery which shouldn’t be missed.


Possession in St. Catharines & My family’s horror connection to Haldimand

Main Subject: Possession at the Merritt House (St. Catharines) – –

You’ve heard the name, now hear the legend.  “The Flying Dutchman”, a ghost ship most recently featured in the movie series, Pirates of the Caribbean. 

Then to the story of a possession, right in front of his eyes.  After one of Daniel’s first investigations.  The beautiful skepticism of seeing a psychic fight with a real possession attempt by the powerful spirit of the house.  Referenced photo found here – –

And Daniel took a drive.  His familial connection to the Haldimand region, and the connection to the small town of Cayuga (location of Ruthven and the Ghost Walks). 


Weird Tour Energy, Extreme Ghosts & Top 3 Haunted Niagara

This week weird couple of days in Downtown Hamilton, how extreme do extreme ghosts really get, and the Top 3 most haunted Niagara spots in Daniel’s experience – –

Available on many major Podcast providers including Spotify and…

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Ghost Story Podcast - Ghost Guide Daniel on Google Podcasts

Daniel talks weird energy on his tours, including aggressive drivers and angry drunks.  Then, how extreme can ghosts really get, with the story of Niagara-on-the-Lake’s Corks Restaurant.  And finally, the Top 3 most haunted hotspots in the Niagara Region… #1 ain’t that well known.  Bonus, Daniel introduces his new Sunday shows! 

Articles Canada

Ghost Voices From the Merritt House | With EVP

After the ghost hunt we ended the night.  Going through recordings over the next few days. It yielded another first for me.  The EVP!

In case you don’t know. An EVP, or Electronic Voice Phenomenon. It’s ghost voices over tape.  These are recordings said to pick up details the human ear cannot.  Means the Merritt House was full of them.

Articles Canada

Attempted Possession at St. Catharines Merritt House

Happened throughout the night at the Merritt House. A male energy from within the house harassed Kate.  She and Michele asked for a name, and the thing only mocked them. We didn’t know it’d end in possession.

Said to call it, “Booger”.

Articles Canada

Reason Investigators are not allowed in St. Catharines’ Merritt House

A small investigation happened at the Merritt House in 2001.  The events from this night changed the way I saw ghosts.

Changed the way they answered the question, “Can we investigate the house?”

Articles Canada

Merritt House in St. Catharines | Part of the Underground Railway?

St. Catharines in the Niagara Region has a rich history. One part which gets little notice… the city’s connection to the Underground Railway through Harriet Tubman and the Merritt House.

Articles Canada

William Hamilton Merritt

William Hamilton Merritt was a respected veteran of the War of 1812. Captain and leader of a volunteer militia of 50 dragoons, or horse mounted infantry.