Canada Podcast

Queen’s Park Ghost Tour Review

Feature Locations: Toronto, Ontario, Canada- –

HOSTED BY GHOST GUIDE DANIEL – A rare opportunity seized!  I got to tour Toronto’s Legislative Building, aka Queen’s Park, at night.  A free ghost tour was offered and filled very quickly.  Here’s my breakdown.  Was it worth it?  Which two ghosts are the main ones of the government building?   Also, how to be the first to know next year?

Canada Podcast

My Own Mary the Ghost and Haunting in Toronto’s Queen’s Park

Main Subject: Hamilton & Toronto (Ontario, Canada) – –

Daniel is shocked to have his own experience added upon.  New facts which round off a ghost he never really knew, who was haunting the house he used to live in.  The random female voice has a name… Mary.  Along with her jealous husband!

Then, let’s talk Canadian government.  The one in Toronto, representing the Province of Ontario.  Queen’s Park.  With a story experienced during a secret Halloween Ghost Walk in the building.  A fact which almost started a political rant (but Daniel’s a beacon of restraint!)  All around a great man in our country’s history, a former Sergeant-at-Arms, and hero in WW1.