Waterdown is a very historic town currently part of the City of Hamilton. And in 1934, the legend of a ghost took over the town. Locals lived in fear. The news went crazy! And people came from all over to see the … Wraith of Waterdown.
This is the story of one of the Wraith’s victims…
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Waterdown is one of the oldest town amalgamated into the City of Hamilton. History dating back to the early 1800’s, starting with a former member of the brutal ‘Butler’s Rangers’ (a militia group known for violence during the Revolutionary War).
Fun origin legend of town name … It’s said to have come from a bottle of whiskey!
A pioneer, Ebenezer Griffin, was a prohibitionist (anti-alcohol). When using a bottle of Whiskey to christen his mill, someone jokingly yelled out… “… throw that water down”.
The name stuck. Or, maybe it’s from the beautiful Waterfall at Smokey Hollow. I personally like the whiskey!
The Wraith
In 1934, a man named Art Hood was driving his family home. Saw movement from the road. Something was standing at the side, just off the gravel.
Looked like a tall man, but not really. A figure in shining white. Like light flowing down to the ground and spreading all around it.
After this, the ‘Wraith of Waterdown’ was seen everywhere. Leading to police investigation, local fear, and … dark tourism.
It’s Just a Prank Dear!
Already tense from all the ‘Wraith News’, a Waterdown farmer walked into his night-time fields. Needed to go to the pump and barn for milk and water.
Coming back with bottles clutched in each hand, he heard rustling from a tree.
“Who’s there?” No answer. “Hello!” Nothing.
Slowly, he approached the tree. All the stories rolling through his head. Tales from the local paper about the Wraith terrorizing people left-and-right.
What if it’s finally come for him?
Then it happened… a white figure jumped out from behind the tree and yelled, “Boo!”
The farmer swung a full, thick glass bottle of milk. Smashing the figure over the head and knocking it to the ground. Catching his breath, he pulled the white sheet off the passed out figure.
Revealing… his wife! Passed out and covered in fresh milk. The farmer’s wife went down in history as one of many victims of the Waterdown Wraith.
In the end, many thought the ordeal was just a prank.
Eventually blamed on the Thompson brothers. College boys visiting home for the Summer of 1934, same time as the paranormal activities.
Do you have more information about the Wraith of Waterdown?
If so, please comment below.