Canada Podcast

Boy of Hamilton’s Custom House and Amazing Ghost Meter Pro

Main Subject: Custom House & Post Office (Hamilton & Cambridge, Ontario, Canada) – –

A vivid little kid spirit finally gets his due! A segment on the shy spirit of a little boy in the basement of Hamilton’s most haunted building. Original basement stairwell room. Now home to the “shy” little boy.

Then it’s all about a unique and interesting paranormal tool, The Ghost Meter Pro. With a ‘communication mode’, so strange… and so effective!  With a cool happening inside the old Cambridge Post Office. The energy of a disproven ghost strongly floods in to say, “…just because I’m not real, doesn’t mean I can’t exist!” Daniel explains.

Canada Podcast United States

Creepy Visitation & Focused Ghost Hunting with Custom House

Main Subject: Farm House & Custom House (USA & Hamilton, Ontario, Canada) – –

Daniel shares a ghost story from the Internet. A young couple living in the country, getting the strangest visitation. An experience cultivating from night of unease. Changing the beliefs of a once strict skeptic.

Then it’s the subject of Focus. A spiritual segment with practical use. How deep focus can change the way you ghost hunt.  Tips on increasing your concentration.

Canada Podcast

Seeing a Ghost’s Legs and Radio that talks to Spirits of Kilbride

Main Subject: Castle Kilbride & Merritt House (Baden, Ontario & St. Catharines, Ontario) – –

Most people think the only time Daniel saw a ghost was at the Hermitage Ruins in Ancaster.  Not fully truth, as this experience shows.  Returning home, along the side of the road in a historic area of Hamilton.

Then a segment about the investigation tool known at a “Spirit Box”.  And a ghost story from our Ghost Walks of Castle Kilbride.  The spirit box at the center of an amazing experience.

Articles Canada

Ghost Voices From the Merritt House | With EVP

After the ghost hunt we ended the night.  Going through recordings over the next few days. It yielded another first for me.  The EVP!

In case you don’t know. An EVP, or Electronic Voice Phenomenon. It’s ghost voices over tape.  These are recordings said to pick up details the human ear cannot.  Means the Merritt House was full of them.

Articles Canada

Attempted Possession at St. Catharines Merritt House

Happened throughout the night at the Merritt House. A male energy from within the house harassed Kate.  She and Michele asked for a name, and the thing only mocked them. We didn’t know it’d end in possession.

Said to call it, “Booger”.

Articles Canada

Reason Investigators are not allowed in St. Catharines’ Merritt House

A small investigation happened at the Merritt House in 2001.  The events from this night changed the way I saw ghosts.

Changed the way they answered the question, “Can we investigate the house?”